API Reference

The return codes are used by client applications as a way to assist in decision-making when integrating with our platform.

For example, upon receiving a return code indicating that the card is Over Limit or Insufficient Funds, there is no need to attempt transaction approval again, as the transaction will be denied once more regardless. Therefore, it is recommended that the client application (you, the API user) maps all return codes and makes decisions accordingly.

For more, see below an example response containing the return code schema:

	"returnCode": "0",
	"returnMessage": "Sucesso."
Código de RespostaDescrição
0, 00, 4, 6Transaction authorized successfully.
01Transaction unauthorized. Transaction referred (suspected fraud) by the issuing bank.
02Transaction not authorized. Transaction referred (suspected fraud) by the issuing bank.
03Transaction not allowed. TEF code error.
04Transaction unauthorized. Card blocked by the issuing bank.
05Transaction unauthorized. Card in default (Do not honor).
06Transaction unauthorized. Card canceled.
07Transaction denied. Retain card, special condition.
08Transaction unauthorized. Invalid security code.
09Partial transaction cancellation successful.
10Transaction unauthorized by the issuer.
11Transaction successfully authorized for card issued abroad.
12Invalid transaction, card error.
13Transaction not allowed. Invalid transaction amount.
14Transaction unauthorized. Invalid card.
15Issuer bank unavailable or nonexistent.
16Unauthorized transaction. Trail failure.
19Redo the transaction or try again later.
21Cancellation not completed. Transaction not found.
22Invalid installment. Invalid number of installments.
23Transaction unauthorized. Invalid installment amount.
24Invalid number of installments.
25Transaction unauthorized. Original transaction not found.
26Transaction unauthorized. Duplicate transaction.
27Transaction unauthorized. Invalid file.
28Transaction unauthorized. Invalid file.
29Transaction unauthorized. Invalid file.