API Reference

This is the endpoint for requesting the creation of a pre-authorization or authorization for a payment arrangement split.

To create a payment with a split, you need to make a POST request to the Sales resource, specifying the transaction amount in the amount field and including payment and customer information within the payment and customer objects as shown in the example. You also need an array of splits with at least two objects representing the participants in the split. The first object in the array MUST have the merchantType attribute set to PRIMARY, and its recipientToken MUST represent the accessToken linked to the merchant where the transaction occurred. The other objects will have the merchantType attribute set to SECONDARY, with their recipientToken representing the accessToken of another merchant who wishes to participate in the split.


  • The splits array only accepts one PRIMARY participant.
  • The PRIMARY participant cannot receive less than 1% of the transaction.
  • The total of all split participants must equal the net transaction amount.